We welcome you with open arms

There are several ways to contact us if you wish:

  • If you are on our website, the most basic thing is to send us an email at: xlautos@hotmail.com;
  • The other aspect is to call us on phones: Tel:(+221) 77 631 22 12 - 77 286 40 40 - 76 690 90 62 ;
  • The other aspect, if you are in social networks, we are present on:
      1 - Youtube: XL-AUTOMOBILES RentCAR
      2 - WhatsApp: XLAutos,
      3- Twitter: Twitter.com/AutomobilesXl,
      4 - Facebook: Facebook.com/Xl-Automobiles-100252628762902,
      5 - Instagram: Xlautomobiles16
    We are present wherever you think, wherever you are, you will see us; even if you are in Dakar, you can visit us at our address: Parcelles Assainies Unité 16 Dakar - Senegal, that's what's important!

Parcelles Assainies Unité 16 Dakar - Senegal
Tel:(+221) 77 631 22 12 - 77 286 40 40 - 76 690 90 62 - Mail: xlautos@hotmail.com